At this time, we don’t have a way for you to fix your streak in the app, but we are working on adding this feature in the future.
Elevate should register your daily streak as soon as you complete all the games in your first daily workout of the day.
Additionally, here are a few things that may help if your streak is still not calculating correctly:
- Is it possible that you were offline when you completed your daily workout? A weak Wi-Fi connection or cell signal can sometimes be the cause of this.
- If you’re using a VPN or Bluetooth connection, please disconnect, restart the app, and try again. These connections can sometimes stop a completed workout from registering.
- If you fail one or more of the games in your daily workout, the workout will not be completed, nor will it count towards your streak. To fix this, simply tap on the incomplete game to play it again until you pass it. Then, your workout will be completed and your streak will count for that day.
- Elevate resets at midnight every day, so please complete a daily workout before 12:00am, with your device set to the current time zone, and the games will be counted for that day. If you begin your daily workout before midnight and end it after midnight, your streak will count for the next day.